Which Bach Flower Remedies help to address fears?
Of all the emotions we experience, fear is by far the most negative. It can paralyse us, prevent us from moving forward with our lives, fill our minds with wild imaginings, hold us back from really living. How does fear manifest in your life? When you are confronted with something that fills you with dread do you go into fight or flight mode? As Steve Jobs once said, does fear mean Forget Everything And Run? Or do you freeze? Do you panic, blush, struggle to get your words out? Instead of letting fear motivate our lives, how would you like to Face Everything And Rise?
What are you afraid of? For me it is the thought of having to have any dental treatment, followed closely by having to speak in public! But fear can take many forms. It could be something you can put into words, like for example being afraid of flying, or a phobia of heights, or snakes, or the sight of blood. Or perhaps a nameless fear grips at your gut, makes your heart pound, and renders you unable to sleep. It could even present as a vague feeling of unease, of anxiety, of dread that something awful is about to happen.
If any of these manifestations of fear sound familiar to you, they can be addressed using one or more of the five specific Bach Flower Remedies for fear.
Mimulus is the remedy to take if you can say “I am afraid of ….”, and put a name to whatever it may be. With any defined fear, Mimulus can help you to find your inner courage and face up to whatever it is that is holding you back. This remedy is also very supportive for any feelings of shyness in social situations.
If on the other hand you cannot put a name to your fear, but instead you have vague feelings of dread, anxiety, or nervousness without knowing why, then Aspen will act to restore your inner peace. The leaves on an Aspen tree quiver and shiver even when there is no breeze to stir them, revealing a ‘Doctrine of Signatures’, or clue, about how this plant can help us to deal with indefinable fears.
This is the remedy for all mothers! Or indeed for anyone who overly worries about a loved one, a friend, a pet, or even a client, to the extent that we get caught up in fear for their wellbeing, thereby creating unnecessary anxiety in our own lives. Have you ever lain awake at night, waiting for the sound of the key in the door when your teenager has gone out? Or perhaps you can’t sleep for worrying about your friend, your employee, your neighbour or your cat?
If this sounds like you, then Red Chestnut remedy will support you to let go of that feeling of excessive over-care, enabling you to develop freer and better relationships with your loved ones. Worrying about them does not in any way protect them, it just eats away at your peace of mind.
Rock Rose is the remedy to use when you are experiencing profound terror, with feelings of extreme fear or panic. This can relate to you witnessing a life-threatening event, or to a memory of something terrible. Rock Rose can also be used to address the intensity of awful nightmares that jolt you awake in a lather of sweat, or for anything purely imaginary that you find very frightening, such as a horror film or book. This remedy is also one of the component remedies in Rescue Remedy, and gently acts to bring any unconscious fears to the surface, enabling you to regain a sense of courage and inner strength.
Last but not least Cherry Plum is an acute remedy for violent rage and impulsive behaviour, when you feel so angry and/or hysterical that you fear you will lose control. You may also experience feeling ‘out of your body’, almost as though you are watching yourself. This remedy is also indicated for suicidal thoughts. Whilst Bach Flower Remedies are wonderful tools for healing, should you ever feel acute fear of harming either yourself or others it is imperative that you seek immediate help from your Doctor or the Police. Like Rock Rose, Cherry Plum is also in the Rescue Remedy, as it restores a sense of perspective, and calms the emotions.
Face Everything And Rise
As Franklin D. Roosevelt said in 1933, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Interestingly this was around the same time as Dr Bach was creating his Flower Remedies. It would be lovely to think that Roosevelt himself had benefitted from using some or all of the remedies for fear! If you would like some help to choose Bach Flower Remedies, to address fear or anything else that may be going on in your life, you can book a consultation on this website.